Why Does B2B Video Marketing Matter?

B2B Video Marketing – Why Does B2B Video Marketing Matter? 

If you’re just beginning with video, you may be wondering: what type of videos are the most effective? Brand videos, for example, are ideal for raising brand awareness on your company’s website. Case studies, meanwhile, are best for the middle stages of the buyer’s journey. The right type of video depends on your target audience, your goals, and your current reach. For instance, brand videos are ideally suited to the homepage of your website, and case studies are best for building brand awareness on Facebook. 

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Explainer videos 

Explainer videos are an effective way to convey information to your audience. They are short, entertaining, and can help you convert viewers into leads. Explainer videos can be animated, which captures the attention of viewers, or live-action, which allows you to connect with viewers more deeply. In either case, your goal is to increase conversions. 

A well-produced explainer video should have a clear message and can engage viewers. The length is also critical, with a 60 to 90-second length considered the sweet spot. Videos longer than this don’t have enough time to develop trust or establish credibility with the audience. However, if your audience is already familiar with the brand, you can go beyond the sweet spot. 

Building brand awareness 

B2B video marketing can be a powerful tool for building brand awareness among target businesses. Videos can educate visitors about your brand and educate them on how it can help them. It’s important to have a compelling video story, so you’ll want to think about the right time and content to deliver the message. You’ll also want to ensure that the video fits into the buyer’s lifecycle. 

When creating your videos, remember that people don’t want to watch long articles and videos. Make sure your videos are relevant and short. YouTube and Facebook have statistics showing that 79.8% of video views are under two minutes. You can use Wibbitz, a free online video editing tool, to create your videos. 

Redirecting prospects to other conversion points 

Redirecting prospects to other conversion points is a critical part of B2B video marketing. Prospects can’t just click on a link and then leave your video – you have to get them to a specific page where they can take action. In B2B video marketing, you must personalize the content for each target audience. For example, if you’re targeting CEOs, you need to send tailored content in video form that catches their attention. CEOs and other high-level decision-makers receive hundreds of marketing messages every day, so you need to make sure that your video stands out and gets their attention. 

Once people watch your video, they aren’t necessarily ready to buy. You have to consistently present yourself as a valuable and trusted voice in your field, and then nurture that relationship with more offers and more frequent communication. This requires patience and persistence and can’t be rushed. 

Creating videos that appeal to emotion 

As a B2B marketer, you must create videos that appeal to the emotions of your prospects. You can do this by capturing the audience’s attention with inspiring stories or client testimonials. People make decisions based on emotion and that is why it is important to appeal to their emotional side. You should also incorporate a call-to-action into your video, whether it’s a purchase link or a sign-up form. 

Video content that appeals to the emotional side of consumers can improve the post-conversion stage of the flywheel. For example, a thank-you video helps a new customer feel welcome. An onboarding video can get the ball rolling, while an educational video can provide information about a product.