How Is Instructional Design Important to Ecommerce?

How Is Instructional Design Important to Ecommerce? 

You may have heard of the Successive Approximation Model (SAM), but how is instructional design important to eCommerce? This article will explain SAM, Bloom’s Taxonomy, ADDIE, and Learning Objectives. If you haven’t heard of these, you should. These are the foundations of effective learning. With the help of SAM, you can develop your learning objectives to create online training. 

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Learning objectives 

A well-written and clear learning objective will give learners a clear direction on how to complete a particular task. For example, learners can explain the steps involved in generating a purchase order. Then, they can type in the answers explaining their steps to generate a purchase order. This is a good example of a Bloom’s Taxonomy level 2 learning objective. The ‘Do’ mode is also helpful for assessment, where learners are required to generate a purchase order without hints. 

In addition to guiding your design decisions, learning objectives will serve as benchmarks for external stakeholders. They will also inform the selection of activities, assessment tools, and other elements of your eLearning course. The learning objectives you choose should address any knowledge gaps that your learners have and will enable them to achieve the desired outcome. For best results, they should also be action words or steps. Learning objectives are most effective when they reflect the taxonomy of learning. 

Successive Approximation Model 

This process focuses on small steps and iterative design to reach the final solution. Unlike other methods, this method allows for rapid prototyping and turnaround times. In addition, this model emphasizes progress over perfection and encourages collaboration. During the prototyping phase, subject matter experts provide feedback for learning experience designers. This feedback allows them to make improvements to the prototypes. 

When working on an eCommerce-related project, a company may wish to use the Successive Approximation Model. Although it originated as a separate final stage, it is increasingly being used in instructional design. The model relies on iterative development and fewer mistakes and can be used for any size project. Those with tight deadlines will find this approach highly beneficial in their projects. 


ADDIE is a model of learning and development that emphasizes the importance of a clear goal. Creating a course with a clearly defined goal requires thorough research to understand your target audience, their current knowledge, and their anticipated training needs. The process also requires communication with management and employees. Gap analysis is a great way to identify improvement areas, whether it’s related to financial performance, sales, or company culture and diversity initiatives. 

The first step in the ADDIE model is thought. This step includes determining how you will approach the project. After determining your approach, you’ll decide whether you will build the course in-house or hire someone else. Once that decision is made, you can begin development. The final step in the ADDIE model is evaluation, which is a constant process in every step. You’ll want to evaluate the process and implement improvements if necessary.