Starting and Optimizing a Pinterest Board is a powerful strategy of doing properly. Use these 10 tips on Pinterest Marketing to get you started on the track.
Table of Contents
10 Pinterest Marketing Tips For Getting Tons of New Customers!
With that kind of numbers, it’s hard to believe that any business, particularly one that operates within the popular Pinterest niches of home and garden, fashion, beauty, food and drink, and travel, wouldn’t be using this valuable corner to attract more customers. Here’s how you can optimize your Pins and use Pinterest Marketing to your advantage:
Include Pin Buttons On Your Website
Any time you post a blog entry, an updated product page, or an image showing your products or services in use, always include a “Pin It Button”. This addition will allow anyone who visits your website to save their favorite information so they can reference it again. If you use Rich Pins (and you should), your pinnable images will have the information automatically attached, so that anyone who sees the Pin will also see your business name, a summary of the article, or any other information you’d like to include.
Focus on Keywords in Descriptions
While your product descriptions and Rich Pin data shouldn’t be filled with a long list of keywords, focusing on including strong, searchable keywords helps your images come up in searches. Hashtags don’t do anything on Pinterest, so there’s no need to use those. Just include good descriptive keywords that will grab plenty of traffic. For example: if you’re selling a dress called the Marilyn, make sure that your description includes words such as “short white party dress” or anything else that applies.
Keep Your Links Updated
It’s important to be sure that your Pins are going to active web pages. You may need to search for your business name and products occasionally and be sure that all the links are going to the proper web pages.
Use Pinterest for Research
Pinterest is a great place to research what your target marketing is doing, what they like, what the latest trends are, and what might be popular in the next few weeks or months. Pinners use Pinterest to describe who they want to be. Their boards are filled with home decor, crafts, fashion, fitness tips, and travel ideas for their ideal life. Businesses can tap into these desires, and use that information to help them create better marketing campaigns in the future. At Omaha SEO, we are experts at helping you dominate any market with keyword focus, marketing plans, and social media management. If you know that your business is perfect for the visual nature of Pinterest, but you haven’t had much luck growing your following, contact us today.
Use Pinterest Tools
Do you want to find good content to repin on Pinterest? Finding good content to repin has always been crucial for Pinterest’s success. The solution is to follow interests on Pinterest. Here’s how to find and use Pinterest interests to improve visibility and engagement.
Discover how interests can benefit your marketing.
How to Use Pinterest Messages for Marketing: Do you want a new way to engage your Pinterest followers? Have you used Pinterest messages? Pinterest’s newest feature lets you communicate directly with your followers via private message. This article explores Pinterest messages and how you can use them to engage your audience.
How to Use Pinterest Rich Pins: Have you heard about Pinterest rich pins and how they can help your marketing? This article shows you how businesses can get more from Pinterest rich pins.
Promote Your Business With Pinterest Places: Do you use Pinterest to promote your business? Have you heard of Pinterest place pins? Whether you have a storefront, products or a travel aspect to your business, consider exploring the geographic elements of Pinterest. In this article you’ll learn six ways you can use Pinterest place pins to promote your business or products.
Analyze and Measure Your Pinterest Efforts
The Pinterest Analytics Tool: How to Use It for Business: Are you struggling to measure your Pinterest efforts? The new Pinterest Analytics tool gives you access to a variety of data, including how potential customers interact with your pins beyond your website. This article shows how the Pinterest Analytics features help you get the most out of your Pinterest marketing.
Follow the metrics that affect your marketing.
Improve Your Pinterest Marketing With Analytics: Do you use Pinterest to market your business? Most brands on Pinterest aren’t tracking their metrics. The companies that do are finding optimized engagement. This article shares four ways to improve your Pinterest marketing efforts.
Grow and Measure Your Pinterest Presence: Do you need help measuring your Pinterest activity? Are you wondering which tools can help you grow your followers on Pinterest? In this article you’ll discover four tools to help you analyze and grow your presence on Pinterest.
Improve Your Pinterest Marketing
Optimize Your Pins for the Pinterest Smart Feed: Have you heard about the Pinterest smart feed and how it impacts your exposure? Are you wondering what it means for your pins? With its smart feed, Pinterest enhanced key features, which means you need to do things differently to make your pins stand out. This article explains the Pinterest smart feed and how to use Pinterest’s changes to your advantage.
Gain visibility in Pinterest’s smart feed.
Take Your Pinterest Marketing to the Next Level: Do you use Pinterest for your business? Most companies open a Pinterest account, pin their content and repin other people’s material. While that’s a great place to start, it’s the bare minimum. In this article are five techniques to improve your Pinterest marketing.
Pinterest Marketing Tips to Improve Your Visibility: Do you know which Pinterest tactics work the best today? We asked top social media professionals what they’re doing to get results from Pinterest marketing right now. This article shares seven pro tips that can boost your business’s Pinterest marketing.
Use Pinterest to Promote Your Brand: Have you ignored Pinterest because you think your brand isn’t a fit? Every brand has a story to tell and visual content can help you tell it. Sharing your story with Pinterest’s engaged and active audience via compelling pictures is a great place to start. In this article, you’ll see how six brands got creative with Pinterest and gained new followers and engagement.
Use Pinterest for Videos, SlideShare, and Podcasts: Do you only share images on Pinterest? Would you like to share other content to grow your followers on Pinterest and other social networks? You can also share videos, SlideShare presentations, and audio podcasts and extend your exposure, thanks to Pinterest. This article explains how you can use Pinterest to increase exposure for your videos, SlideShares, and podcasts.
Grow exposure for your YouTube, SlideShare, and podcast content on Pinterest.
Grow Your Pinterest Following
Have you optimized your Pinterest profile, website, and images for maximum exposure? A strong Pinterest community tells others you’re a trusted source of information.
Understand Pinterest Advertising
Use Pinterest Promoted Pins: Do you want a way to give extra exposure to certain pins? You can do just that with promoted pins, Pinterest’s answer to advertising. This article explains what promoted pins are and shares tips on how, when, and why to use them.
Get more exposure for important pins.
Offer Contests on Pinterest
Run a Pinterest Contest Without Breaking the Rules: Are you aware of Pinterest contest rules and regulations? After many businesses misused the relaxed format, Pinterest revised its contest rules. They now require that contests be easy to enter, spam-free, and in alignment with Pinterest branding guidelines. This article explains what you need to know to run successful and compliant Pinterest contests.
Via http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/pinterest-marketing-guide/