These two short pieces of HTML code convey the unique selling point of your website. They should be unique, concise, and contain keywords. The purpose of your meta description is to encourage users to click through to your website. Using head keywords in your meta description is also very important. Using a combination of keywords will improve your ranking. Here are some tips on how to optimize your meta description for search engines.
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Page Title and Meta Description are short pieces of HTML code
Every page should have a unique Page Title and Meta Description. These are the first 160 characters on your page that search engines will show when someone searches for information on your website. A picture is worth a thousand words, so include relevant pictures in your meta description. You can add these to your content management system by editing its general settings. Some plugins make it easier to add the meta description.
They convey your website’s unique selling point
The Page Title and Meta Description of your website should communicate what your website is about and why users should visit it. Use compelling language that explains why your page is better than other similar websites. Include an emotional appeal, and if you can, use numbers. Besides words, the meta description should also contain a call to action. This way, readers will be more likely to click on your link.
They contain keywords
A page’s meta description and title are essential elements to increase its ranking in SERPs. They are short, concise descriptions that attract prospective users. Page meta description tags can be added to web pages, though many CMS does not allow them from the admin panel. To remedy this, add meta tags with a plugin, such as Yoast SEO or Easy Frontend SEO. Then, add your page’s title and meta description to your website.
They should be unique
Ideally, your page title and meta description should be unique and use the same keywords, which will help your page rank better in search results. This is especially important if you have several different pages with slightly different content. When Google identifies your pages by query, it will take the snippet from the first one to show up in search results. You can also change the title of a page if you want to, but always make sure that the meta description is unique.
They should contain a call-to-action
The Page Title and Meta Description should contain a strong call to action in SEO. Searchers spend approximately 1.17 seconds reading each listing on a search engine results page. The more people who engage with your content, the more valuable it will become to search engines. To get more traffic to your site, write your page title and meta description in a way that is as compelling as possible.