Instagram is owned by Facebook. Connecting these two very powerful social media channels to your marketing efforts will give you a huge boost in Instagram Traffic. As in all online marketing, there is a correct way to maximize your results efficiently. Here are 7 points to get your huge traffic boost started.
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A Guide To Getting Huge Instagram Traffic From An Expert
Lottie Tomlinson might have a famous /older brother, but through her love of makeup, she has built an Instagram following of almost 3 million for her budding beauty empire.
We caught up with Lottie at her launch to see if you could give us a few tips on how to turn our Insta habit from a hobby to a job. Here is her advice:
1. Consistency is key
“You have to be really active. I make sure I’m always posting but not over doing it because you can kinda scroll into the same person all the time, so getting that balance between being active enough but not over the top. My followers love it when I post selfies so I think it helps to find out what they respond best to.”
2. Promote yourself on other social media platforms
“I use all my other social media platforms to boost each other. So if I do an Instagram post I’ll put it on snapchat and Facebook as well so it sends people to Instagram and it’s the same with Twitter.”
3. Perfect your selfie
“For Instagram, I think the heavier you go with your makeup the better it looks. What works for a selfie, doesn’t necessarily work in real like but it looks good.”
4. Find your favorite filter
“Probably my favorite filter is the Slumber one because it makes you look very tanned and you can turn it up and down.”
5. Support other accounts
“I think Huda beauty is amazing. She actually reposted one of my photos the other day and I fan-girled a bit. She has the biggest beauty page online and she supports everyone, even smaller makeup accounts which is really nice.”
6. Seek inspiration from others
“I like seeing what everyone else is in the beauty world is doing and learning from them. I follow Mario Dedivanovic and Ariel Tejada, they do all the makeup for the Kardashians and I find them very inspiring. and Bea Sweet has a really cool account, she edits her pictures really cool.”
7. Remember that you can’t please everyone
“I think people are quite critical of your work sometimes because obviously some of makeup looks I do are quite out there and a lot of people don’t really get it, or understand it but that’s fine. I get it, not everyone’s gonna have the same opinion. Just ignore the trolls and delete their comments so they don’t get the satisfaction.”
Via https://www.cosmopolitan.co.uk/beauty-hair/celebrity-hair-makeup/a46937/lottie-tomlinson-instagram-famous-tips/