What Is Page Speed And What Role Does It Play In SEO?

What Is Page Speed and What Role Does It Play in SEO? 

Page Speed is a metric that Google uses to calculate your site’s speed. It is one of the most important SEO factors, as it influences both your search engine rankings and your conversion rates. It also impacts your user experience, so it’s important to optimize your site for speed if you want to make the most of your SEO efforts. 

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What is Page Speed and what role does it play in SEO?

Page speed is a complex topic that can be hard to define and measure. This is why the Google Page Speed Insights tool breaks it up into different categories so that you can see what factors affect your score the most. 

Performance Metrics

There are 6 different performance metrics that Google uses to calculate your page speed score. These metrics have different weights in determining your score, so it’s important to understand what each of them is and how much they influence it. 

Fully Loaded Page

The fully loaded page metric is the time required for 100% of the desired page to load. It is an essential metric that can help you determine how fast your page is and which parts of your website need work done on. 

Max Potential First Input Delay

This metric examines the time it takes for the browser to receive a response from your server after it sends the first request. It is a useful metric to understand how long it takes for the page to load because it tells you how many requests the browser needs to make to load your pages and what size resources you should return in the response. 

Chaining Critical Requests

This is another important metric that Google uses to assess your page speed. The more requests the browser needs to make, and the larger the resources you need to return in response, the longer your page will take to load. This metric is a good place to start your optimization process because it will allow you to identify which parts of your website need the most work done on. 


The minification of your code can make a significant difference in your page speed, as it allows you to reduce the size of your files by eliminating unnecessary information. This can include things like CSS and JavaScript that are unnecessary for the page or have not been optimized properly. 

Postpone JavaScript (Render blocking)

This is a technique that allows you to delay the execution of certain scripts on your site. It’s especially useful if you have any dynamic elements on your website that require scripts to be loaded first before they can be used. 

Use a CDN

A content delivery network is a service that stores a cached version of your website on servers in multiple locations. This means that your page can load faster from a server closer to your visitors. This is a great way to improve your page speed because it will save you the cost of sending all the requests required to download and load your site from servers far away from your visitors.