In Organizations, Where Does Marketing End And E-commerce Begin?

In Organizations Where Does Marketing End and E-commerce Begin? 

In recent years, e-commerce has disrupted the retail industry by enabling consumers to purchase products and services through their computers and smart devices. This has shifted the way businesses and consumers interact, forcing traditional retailers to make changes in their business models. 

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E-commerce can be a great way for brands to market their products or services without having to invest in a brick-and-mortar storefront, hire employees, and handle inventory. Whether it’s through social media advertising, email marketing or SEO (search engine optimization), e-commerce can help brands reach massive target audiences with the potential for high-margin revenue growth. 

The best part is, e-commerce can be a low-cost solution for a variety of businesses. For one, e-commerce can save you money on product development costs and packaging, as well as the cost of transporting goods to stores. It can also enable you to save on labor costs by reducing your need for staff members. 

A strategic approach to promoting a business’s products/services online can drive traffic, convert visitors into paying customers, and retain them post-purchase. Whether it’s through an e-commerce website or a digital marketplace, your e-commerce strategy should be built around a clearly defined business goal. 

Depending on your business, you may choose to operate in one of the following e-commerce models: 


This is the most common form of e-commerce and it involves the sale of goods or services directly to end users, not businesses or intermediaries. This is most common in the retail space, where consumers can order products from a company’s website or mobile app. 

It’s also the most efficient model, as it allows consumers to save time and money by bypassing middlemen and distributors. A common example of this is a subscription service like Netflix or Dollar Shave Club. 


This is a less popular model, but it can still be a lucrative e-commerce option. This model involves the sale of goods or services between two companies, such as a manufacturer and a wholesaler or retailer.